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August 27, 2009 / Wise Talk Teleconference

In-The-Moment Coaching

Karen Seidman is Principal of Karen Seidman Associates. She specializes in coaching professionals on how to translate abstract leadership concepts into practical skills. She also develops and leads customized seminars internationally to solve specific communication problems within organizations, and trains and develops other facilitators and coaches.

August 27th, 2009|Categories: Wise Talk Teleconference|
May 27, 2009 / Wise Talk Teleconference

Building Conflict Competent Teams

Craig is the Director of New Program Development at the Eckerd College Leadership Development Institute (LDI) and oversees training and development of the Conflict Dynamics Profile assessment instrument. Tim is the Director of Custom Programs for LDI at Eckerd College and is a senior instructor for Center for Creative Leadership. Craig and Tim are highly sought after speakers and are the co-authors of Becoming a Conflict Competent Leader: How You and Your Organization can Manage Conflict Effectively and Building Conflict Competent Teams.

May 27th, 2009|Categories: Wise Talk Teleconference|
March 25, 2009 / Wise Talk Teleconference

Internal Innovation Process

Jennifer Ruzek Liebermann is the director of the Garfield Innovation Center at Kaiser Permanente. She has held a variety of positions in the health care industry, including Blue Shield of California, the UCSF Center for the Health Professions, Montgomery Securities, and a career rejuvenation stint as a children’s ski instructor at Squaw Valley, USA in 2001.

March 25th, 2009|Categories: Wise Talk Teleconference|
February 25, 2009 / Wise Talk Teleconference

Breakthrough Innovation

Peters is an associate professor at the Lally School – School of Management and Technology, Rennssalaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) and a principal investigator at the RPI Nanoscale Engineering Research Center. She is a co-author of Radical Innovation: How Mature Companies Can Outsmart Upstarts and Grabbing Lightning: Building a Capability for Breakthrough Innovation.

February 25th, 2009|Categories: Wise Talk Teleconference|
January 29, 2009 / Wise Talk Teleconference

The Confident Leader

Dr. Kase is a professional public speaker, author, and recognized expert in peak performance, anxiety and stress management, leadership, and entrepreneurship. She is the author or coauthor of seven books including The New York Times bestseller The Confident Speaker, as well as the author of January’s leadership resource, The Confident Leader.

January 29th, 2009|Categories: Wise Talk Teleconference|
December 18, 2008 / Wise Talk Teleconference

Coach-On-Call #4

WISE TALK December 2008: Once a quarter Mariposa Leadership opens up Wise Talk to your emails and phone calls.  Wise Talk Coach-On-Call with Sue Bethanis is your opportunity to get instant answers to your toughest leadership challenges directly from one of the best in the business!


December 18th, 2008|Categories: Wise Talk Teleconference|
November 19, 2008 / Wise Talk Teleconference

Work/Life Integration

WISE TALK November 2013:  Sue hosts Stew Friedman, an innovator in both the leadership development and work/life fields.  Stew is the founder of the Total Leadership program and  faculty member at the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania since 1984. He is also the author of Total Leadership.

November 19th, 2008|Categories: Wise Talk Teleconference|
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