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Scalable executive leadership coaching services, workshops, podcasts, and programs for peak organizational performance and culture. Team and individual.

June 22, 2012 / News

We Are Mariposa

Mariposa Leadership intends for this blog to be a dynamic resource for our current and extended community of coaches, clients, and business professionals, as well as anyone else who feels they will benefit from the topics shared in this blog. Through this blog we are seeking to both widen our audience and stay connected to our community by sharing our knowledge, thoughts, and resources. Different authors will contribute on a number of subjects and we hope because of this you will find something exciting, informative, and relevant to you within these posts. Those who have worked with Mariposa know that beyond anything we value creativity and thoughtfulness, and we will only be able to foster these themes in our blog with your help. Do not be shy about expressing your opinion, musings, or challenges on these posts through comments. We hope to make this blog the ultimate learning resource, not only for you, but for ourselves as well.

Refer to the categories section on the sidebar to assist you in your browsing of the blog, and feel free to hit the “follow” button under the Twitter feed to stay informed in real time of Mariposa’s day-to-day news and developments. Send any questions or concerns to

June 22nd, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |
May 1, 2012 / Book Reviews / Design Thinking / Creativity / Innovation

Book Review: The Design of Business

The Design of Business: Why Design Thinking is the Next Competitive Advantage
By: Roger Martin

Head: (4.5 of 5)
Heart: (4.5 of 5)
Leadership Applicability: (4.5 of 5)

One of the biggest challenges facing leaders of established companies is how to embed innovation for brand new products and services into what are already streamlined business practices built around achieving consistently reliable results from existing products. All too often organizations, and the business schools that fill out their top leadership ranks, are too focused on analytical thinking at the expense of intuitive thinking, which means they are asking “why” questions based on data analysis from the past instead of “why not” questions about something that cannot yet be proven.  The most successful businesses however, balance the two in a “dynamic interplay that I call design thinking,” Martin states.

Martin has developed a model called the Knowledge Funnel, which progresses from a quest to solve “mysteries” by researching and/or intuiting a basic hypothesis about some aspect of the industry or customers’ lives, to “heuristics,” which are the basic strategic plans and processes to build or manufacture or supply the product conceived of in the previous stage, and finally to “algorithms,” where the process of production or service fulfillment is streamlined in an easy replicable way so that workers (or even software) can be consistently trained to deliver it. Opportunities exist at each stage, but the most successful companies don’t get stuck at any one stage; they are continually moving new ideas through the funnel. Moving down the funnel provides efficiencies of scale and lower cost labor, allowing the company to grow and ideally, fund more R&D and creative design to add the next new thing to the top of the funnel.

Martin spends time carefully making distinctions between stages of the funnel and between the notions of reliability and validity. Analyses of past and current data tend to focus on reliability-how well an incremental product improvement will satisfy critical feedback from the last version, for example, or whether a political poll can be replicated across different groups of people.  Validity, however-whether a new product will be a hit or whether that poll actually predicts the winner-cannot be determined from past data, and often takes that leap of faith that makes more cautious, logically-oriented types cringe.  All too often a company, based on the culture of its leaders, will favor one at the expense of the other.

Product & Gamble’s stumbles and subsequent recovery and thriving make for an interesting case study of Martin’s points, as well as the usual stars of innovation books such as Apple, Cirque Du Soleil, and Research in Motion.  The book is clear, concise, and easy to understand.   Like the best business books, it doesn’t try to tell you what to do-it provides a model for a new way of thinking about your own business.  Buy it.

January 4, 2012 / Book Reviews / Design Thinking / Creativity / Innovation

Book Review: Brand Thinking and Other Noble Pursuits

Brand Thinking and Other Noble Pursuits
By: Debbie Millman

Head: (4.5 of 5)
Heart: (4 of 5)
Leadership Applicability: (4 of 5)

Debbie Millman has had lots of practice at conducting provocative interviews for her Internet radio program Design Matters, and in this compilation of 22 prominent thinkers on branding and design, it shows. As author and consumer behavior expert Rob Walker says in his foreword, “This book is no rote anthology of boilerplate lectures. It’s more like a buzzing dinner party” or salon held with a number of esteemed thinkers in and around the field of design.

Although it covers branding strategies from some of this country’s great companies, this is no rote how-to book on how to brand your products or services. Instead it is a big-thinker that delves into culture, anthropology, psychology, economics, politics, and the very essence of human nature. Ultimately it is about our drive for connection, affiliation, and why we buy into what we do.

Millman doesn’t let the interviewees stay too long in the lofty realm of abstraction, however. For example, in this interview with Dori Tunstall, a prominent design academic, Crandall says, “humans like to think of themselves as special and different from one another. Some people like to think of themselves not only as special and different but also as better than others.” Millman drills down with more questions until Tunstall is speaking concretely and eloquently about the logo and imagery for Obama’s presidential campaign and how people were able to riff on it, down to “Kids for Obama” and even “Pirates for Obama.”

Other interviewees include Wally Olins, Grant McCracken, Phil Duncan, Brian Collins, Virginia Postrel, Bruce Duckworth, David Butler, Stanley Hainsworth, Cheryl Swanson, Joe Duffy, Margaret Youngblood, Seth Godin, Dan Formosa, Bill Moggridge, Sean Adams, Daniel Pink, Deedee Gordon, Karim Rachid, Alex Bogusky, Tom Peters, and Malcom Gladwell. Buy it.

August 29, 2011 / Coaching Skills / HR / Talent Management / Mariposa Articles

The Brain – Friendly Organization: What Leadership Needs to Know for Intelligence to Flourish

brain2Advances in human neuroscience are giving us a window into why people behave as they do and how we can manage our environments and behaviors with others to maximize results. These new scientific findings challenge old assumptions of what it means to lead. While intelligence is our greatest strategic asset, our way of life has become profoundly out of sync with our neurology. We can fight biology or leverage it. As we understand more about human neuroscience, true leadership may become defined as the art of creating brain-friendly organizations.

Find out how advances in neuroscience and our understanding of the human brain are revolutionizing what it means to lead effectively by downloading the full article here.

About the Author:

Janet Crawford, M.A., has over 15 years of experience working with executives in Fortune 500 companies and high potential start-ups.  As Principal of Cascadance, Janet primes leaders and organizations for productivity, innovation and collaboration in the 21st Century. Her approach combines traditional leadership development and coaching with cutting-edge insights from neuroscience.

August 7, 2009 / HR / Talent Management / Mariposa Articles

When Bad Coaches Happen to Good People

What are the differences between a seasoned, experienced coach and a novice?  Whether you are currently engaged in leadership coaching or entertaining the possibility, here’s what you should look for when contracting with an executive coach. Don’t let yourself be a victim of “bad coaches that happen to good people.”

To download full article, click here.

April 13, 2009 / HR / Talent Management / Mariposa Articles

Five Keys to Increase Your Organization’s Resilience in the Downturn

How do you lead your company to success— even in difficult times? Get the essential strategies to equip your company to do more with less in this Special Report.  This article not only addresses the balance of productivity and innovation, it also goes into detail on practical how-to’s: you will learn details on how to embed productivity and innovation into your organization, which will, in turn, increase your resiliency.

To download the full article, click here.

April 27, 2008 / Blog / HR / Talent Management / Mariposa Articles

Top 5 Reasons Why Leaders Fail

More often than not a company’s success is tied to the strong leadership skills of the person at the helm.  A company’s success is tied to the strong leadership skills of the person at the helm. That person can lead his colleagues to success, but it is also true that a company’s fortunes can follow those of a leader who believes they have things under control, only later to be blindsided by mistakes they don’t realize they are making.  Learn the common traits shared by failed leaders.

To download full article, click here.

March 15, 1999 / HR / Talent Management / Mariposa Articles

Creating a Culture People Want to Work in: How to Recruit and Retain Top Talent

You regularly spend time on how best to market your products and services to customers and internal clients.  Likewise, you probably spend time on customizing your products and services to best meet your customers’ needs. What about your organization’s culture? How do you differentiate your culture in order to recruit the top talent that makes up your most important resource – your people? No matter what type of organization you are in, putting time into recruiting and developing top talent must be a strong leadership message from managers and executives. Find out why people join organizations and effective ways to develop your employees, including ITM Coaching™.

To download full article, click here.

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