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Executive Leadership Coach. One-on-one and group business and professional coaching services for high-tech and biotech leaders in the SF Bay Area

September 25, 2012 / Articles We Like / Ask Mariposa / Coaching Skills / HR / Talent Management / Influencing Skills

Ask Mariposa: Empowering Tools & Techniques


Jeremy asked:

What tools and techniques can I use to empower members of my team that I recognize are not living up to their potential?

Tawny Lees, COO responded:

There are lots of ways to tackle this challenge. First off – get curious and observant. Have candid conversations about what is working/not working for them. Observe them carefully, looking for their genius. Look for strengths that can be better leveraged and roadblocks that you can remove. A great tool that we use is StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath. Individuals and teams use it to identify talent themes and then generate specific ideas to turn these talents into strengths in action. Another great resource is the HBR article “The Power of Small Wins” by Theresa Amabile and Steven Kramer – which describes how to engage people by enabling them to make progress in meaningful work every day. Whatever resource you may use, the fundamental exercise is for you to partner with the team member to uncover specific actions to try, and then be consistent in your support and follow-up.

Share your thoughts on this response in the comments section below, and ask us anything here:

September 13, 2012 / Coaching Skills / HR / Talent Management / News

ITM Coaching™ in Action

What, When, and How to Coach in Interrupt-Driven Cultures

“Work” is people having conversations with one another to get things done. Conversations drive innovation, change, and results. And coaching conversations, in particular, sustain the results leaders want. Mariposa Leadership, Inc. has worked in high-tech and financial services organizations for the past 16 years. In that time, we have developed and taught ITM (In-The-Moment) Coaching™ — a practical model that helps leaders sustain change and make results stick in fast-paced, interrupt-driven companies. People get interrupted frequently in the course of a day. This is the norm. ITM Coaching™ works because managers leverage the learning opportunities that present themselves and interrupt people to give feedback. Managers are leveraging a system that already exists. An effective leader looks for opportunities to coach “anytime, anywhere.” This perspective flies in the face of the typical manager who says, “I just don’t have enough time to coach.”

ITM Coaching™ is a simple, yet powerful approach. The skills associated with the approach form a user-friendly acronym: RAR.

Rapport – Get into behavioral rapport quickly

Assess – Understand the situation

Re-frame – Help others solve the problem with a new insight or action

As simple as these three steps may sound, usually one of the steps is left out. Here are three examples of the same scenario in which one of the crucial steps of RAR is missing. Also included is the impact to the situation and possible remedies using RAR.

Scenario: An individual is in the middle of a crisis situation and runs to his/her boss to get coached on how to solve the issue.

Situation missing “Rapport”: Despite the explicit contract the boss has to coach the individual on business issues, it does not appear on the surface that the boss cares about the issue because he is distracted by his email. Remedy: Relationships are built over time; behavioral rapport must take place at any given moment and in every conversation. The boss needs to not only make eye contact, he needs to match the direct report’s body language. For example, if the direct report is sitting down and leaning back in his chair, then the coach should do the same. This will signal to the direct report that the coach is truly “with” him/her.

Situation missing “Assess”: The boss doesn’t fully understand the situation and jumps in immediately to tell the individual what to do and is off target on a couple of attempts. Remedy: To effectively assess, the coach must slow down to listen and ask relevant questions. Once the coach fully understands the situation, then it’s appropriate to offer a relevant response.

Situation missing “Re-frame”: The boss asks lots of questions but doesn’t close the conversation and allow the opportunity for the direct report to take a next action step. And, in the end, the conversation takes longer than necessary. Remedy: It is important to get to the “gem” that is going to help the direct report re-frame the problem. A “re-frame” is a new way of thinking about an issue that leads a direct report to a new action, behavior, or perspective about the situation. The direct report must walk away with a “distinction” — something tangible that they can do differently.

With the hectic and fast-paced nature of organizations, we find the simplicity of the ITM Coaching™ model something that managers can easily refer to and practice. Leaving out any one of the 3 crucial steps will significantly minimize the investment already made in having the conversation in the first place. By remembering to incorporate all three practices, you are increasing the likelihood of success and return on your time and energy invested.

For more information about ITM Coaching™ and to register for our October workshop, visit our website.

September 4, 2012 / Ask Mariposa / Design Thinking / Creativity / Innovation / HR / Talent Management

Ask Mariposa: What is Design Thinking?

Bethany asked:

Design thinking seems to be central to generating new ideas and creating a more innovative environment – but what exactly is it, and how can I apply it to my corporation?

Sue Bethanis, CEO responded:

The DT model is 1. customer empathy, 2. brainstorming, 3. prototyping, and 4. implementing.  This can be applied to many problems in a corporation, but primarily we want to use it when we are solving problems related to internal or external customers.  1. Great product designers, for example, use keen observation skills to really understand customers in their environments.  Similarly, any problem we are trying to solve, it’s important that we see like an anthropologist.  2. Brainstorming can be applied to any problem as well; great design thinkers generate scads of ideas to get to a couple of good ones, 3. Then, they prototype and test; and then iterate some more in designing a product, service or an experience.  4. Finally ideas are only as good as their application, so taking a prototype to implementation requires a good relationship with your users/customers, and getting feedback.  Good luck!

Share your thoughts on this response in the comments section below, and ask us anything here:

August 27, 2012 / Design Thinking / Creativity / Innovation / HR / Talent Management / Wise Talk

Related Topics with Josh Linkner on Breakthrough Creativity


Listen to these audio snippets of last week’s August 20th Wise Talk, where Josh Linkner elaborates on methods and steps used to drive creativity, touching particularly on points from his book, Disciplined Dreaming: A Proven System to Drive Breakthrough Creativity. This Wise Talk was an immensely informative discussion on breakthrough creativity for individual and business success.

In this first snippet Linkner discusses the method of “role storming” as an interactive and creative addition to your brainstorming session.

In this snippet, Linkner discusses some questions on creativity and what developing creativity really means – are we born creative, or do we become creative?

Click here to access Mariposa Leadership’s Wise Talk archives, and click on “Breakthrough Creativity” for the full audio of this session.

We welcome your thoughts in the comments section below.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container] MORE

August 23, 2012 / Ask Mariposa / Coaching Skills / HR / Talent Management / Influencing Skills

Ask Mariposa: How to Bridge the Generational Gap

Sean asked:

Our corporation is having internal issues relating to generational differences between our leadership and our creators/engineers/designers – how can we help bridge generational gaps within our company?

Anne Loehr, Senior Leadership Consultant responded:

Each generation was shaped by political, technological and societal events that occurred during the group’s formative years. As a result,  each generation has its own language, values and way of doing business. This is important to remember because sometimes people take differences very personally, rather than just saying “Oh, she’s doing the Gen X thing.” So the best way to bridge the gap is to get to know the person you’re working with-ask them about themselves, learn what influenced their lifestyle and belief system. Then share about yourself and find common ground to work from. It’ll soon become “we” instead of “us vs them”.

Share your thoughts on this response in the comments section below, and ask us anything here:

August 21, 2012 / Articles We Like / HR / Talent Management

Great Leaders


Many people are leaders. Many hold the personality traits we attribute to someone who leads instead of follows, and yet, what makes a truly GREAT LEADER? This definition has grown and shifted immensely in the business world in the last ten years, and is continually changing in the face of a increasingly interconnected world.

As with all things, context is key, but these key questions can generally guide us in an exploration of what it means to be an excellent leader. Is is modesty and humbleness, like a study from the University of Buffalo suggested to us earlier this year? Or is it emotional resilience, ability to adapt, self-awareness, or confidence as The Telegraph stated in this article on leadership?

Is there one particularly strong trait that we see over and over again that no great leader lacks, or is it a combination of many?

Think back to a particularly influential “leader” in your life. What traits did they carry, how did they move, speak, act? Share with us some of your experiences and perceptions about leadership and what makes a leader GREAT, instead of average, or just good.

How can we change our behavior to either better support someone to greatness, or optimize our effectiveness as already functioning leaders?

Please, share your thoughts in the comments section below.

August 20, 2012 / Articles We Like / Design Thinking / Creativity / Innovation / Wise Talk

On "5 Ways to Kill a Brainstorm"

This post summarizes an article written by our August Wise Talk guest, Josh Linkner. This article is titled “5 Way to Kill a Brainstorming Session” and was published on October 5th, 2011. It can be found here.

As we move through each “way” to kill a brainstorming session, please post your thoughts/comments/reflections on Linkner’s process in the comments section below.

Linkner starts by remarking that the corporate culture around brainstorming is one of “shooting

[ideas] down as fast as they come.” He then goes on to outline the five fastest and easiest ways to kill a brainstorming session, and therefore the creativity and culture of innovation within a team or corporation.

This five ways are:

1. Passing judgement or commenting.

2. Tidying up or compartmentalizing a comment out loud.

3. Thinking ahead – how would we execute it, what are the other factors that contribute to its possible success, etc.

4. Worrying.

5. Wandering away from the topics strictly at hand being discussed at that moment.

Do you recognize any of these behaviors in your team? How or when have these behaviors occurred, and in what way did they manifest?

If so, share with our community on how you either combat or work through these behaviors to keep the team dynamic active and healthy, as well as creative.

Still unsure how to move forward? Share these thoughts and concerns on coaching and leadership specifically by posting an Ask Mariposa question.

/ Design Thinking / Creativity / Innovation / News / Wise Talk

Wise Talk Announcement: Today with Josh Linkner

Join us on our next Wise Talk on Monday, August 20 from 1-2pm PT (TODAY) as Sue talks with tech entrepreneur and bestselling author Josh Linkner on how to drive breakthrough creativity in business and individual success.

Josh Linkner is a successful four-time tech entrepreneur and the founder, chairman and former CEO of the largest interactive promotion agency in the world, ePrize. He is a New York Times bestselling author of two books, with his most recent book, Disciplined Dreaming: A Proven System to Drive Breakthrough Creativity, named one of the top 10 business books of 2011.

Recently, Josh launched his fifth company, the venture capital firm Detroit Venture Partners. Josh is also Adjunct Professor of Applied Creativity at the University of Michigan. He has been honored as the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year, the Detroit News Michiganian of the Year, and is a President Barack Obama Champion of Change award recipient. Josh is a regular columnist for Fast Company and Inc. Magazine, and his work has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, USA Today, and The New York Times. Josh earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Advertising from the University of Florida. He is an accomplished and well-respected jazz musician, regularly performing in jazz clubs throughout the United States and Canada.

Please RSVP asap to to reserve your spot.

August 9, 2012 / Design Thinking / Creativity / Innovation / Wise Talk

Q&A with Javy Galindo on the Power of Thinking Differently


Listen to these audio snippets of last month’s July 25th Wise Talk, where professional creativity speaker and thinker, Javy Galindo, answers when Mariposa Leadership’s CEO, Sue Bethanis, asks. Topics are on various aspects of creativity and specifically, creativity in business.

Listen here for Galindo’s elegant juxtaposition of the entrepreneur and the artist, and the ways in which each of them are creative, as well as why it is applicable to business, and life.

Listen here for discussion on relationship building and working in groups, and how this to connects to creativity in the workplace.

Click here to hear the whole discussion between Javy Galindo and Mariposa Leeadership’s CEO, Sue Bethanis.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container] MORE

July 18, 2012 / Articles We Like / HR / Talent Management / News / Stress / Work-Life Integration

Follow Up Exchange: Why Women Still Can't Have It All

Read this exchange on Twitter between Anne-Marie Slaughter, author of the controversial article, Why Women Still Can’t Have It All, and Mariposa Leadership’s CEO and founder, Sue Bethanis, for a thought provoking discussion and article.

Newly appointed CEO of Yahoo!, Marissa Mayer, acts as the focal point of the discussion to tackle the question of if women really can have it all.

Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below, and don’t forget to follow both @suebethanis, and @SlaughterAM.

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