Executive Leadership Coaching

C-level executives, vice presidents, and directors

Accelerate your leadership skills and shift your executive presence; uplevel your ability to see around corners; make hard decisions given the ever-changing systems you face.

Individual executive leadership coaching services provide personal learning, support and advice. Our well-honed coaching approach ensures your time is spent effectively:

  1. Match—We present the right coach for you based on needs, experience, style, and pace.
  2. Assess—We use an interview-based 360 feedback process along with self-reflection tools to help you get crystal clear about your strengths and ways to be even more effective. Together we define and document clear leadership development objectives.
  3. Coach—We meet with you in person (or on video) bi-weekly for one hour of confidential, compelling, and action-oriented conversations. We curate relevant materials to your learning style. Every conversation ends with leadership strategies, mindsets, tools, skills, and practices for you to apply to your current issues.
  4. Evaluate—We collaborate with you to create progress reports describing your successes against the original goals and next steps.

Take your performance to the next level with executive leadership coaching:

  • Strategize: Develop new ways to strategize and drive change in these times of uncertainty and disruption. Design creatively and pivot when necessary.
  • Influence: Sharpen your existing leadership skills and develop new ones, especially in your ability to influence (i.e., decisiveness, clarity, empathy) to make a difference in your organization.
  • Energize: Up your game with warmth and wit to inspire your team. Consistently coach your team to enhance their performance and development.
  • Results: The ripple effect of the above leads to increased productivity, a more engaged culture, and less overall stress.

Executive Career Coaching

Executives investing in their professional development

Hone your leadership skills and leverage an executive coach to navigate a smooth on-boarding, land your next big role, or get even better at your current one.

Executive career coaching provides personal learning, support and advice for what you need now! You may be taking on a new executive role and want to focus on strategic influencing, scaling culture, coaching high performers, and/or upleveling your executive presence. Or you may be looking for your next role and need to focus on networking, navigating change, and nailing interviews. Whatever transition you are in, we will design with you to make each coaching session impactful and value-add.

Here is our coaching approach:

  1. Match—We present the right coach for you based on needs, experience, style, and pace.
  2. Assess/Design—We provide appropriate tools to help you get crystal clear about your strengths, interests, and ways to be even more effective. Together, we define a plan for getting you where you want to go.
  3. Coach—We meet with you on Zoom weekly or bi-weekly for one hour of confidential, compelling, and action-oriented conversations. We curate relevant materials to your learning style. Every conversation includes strategies, mindsets, tools, skills, and practices for you to apply. Particularly during times of transition, we use design thinking to help you unlock creativity, options, and action in order to pivot to new possibilities.
  4. Evaluate—We check in on progress with you and, if needed, any other stakeholders along the way.


  • Address long-range strategic issues related to your business and your career.
  • Use design thinking, values exploration, and visioning to make small shifts and/or large pivots in your future.
  • Sharpen your leadership skills to propel your career/promotion as well as your company’s growth.
  • If seeking your next job, work the 4-Point Networking Plan to 1) build upon your current connections, and 2) create new ones; 3) identify your Top 20 company targets; and 4) brainstorm new job targets.
  • Get into action on what’s possible in a new role or career—get the right insights, meet the right people, and position yourself wisely by upleveling your executive presence. Engage with your new organization effectively with a clear First 90 Days Plan, garnering quick wins while establishing the foundation for long-term success.