From Zoom Doom to Strategic Boom: How One Sales Director Found Time to Think and Move

Recently, I met with a senior director of sales who was completely overwhelmed with everyday work. They couldn’t find time to strategize and were bemoaning their lack of exercise.

They said: “I just can’t get ahead of this. Working so many hours; worried I am not being a good leader with my team or biz.”

I nodded: “You have a lot going on; we have chatted about this before – what’s different this time?”

They said: “Just more pressure. Need to try something new.”

I said: “Ok, let’s start with the obvious, probably the main culprit – your calendar. Who manages it?”

They said: “Mostly my admin. But we talk about it, like daily.”

I continued: “How many hours of Zoom meetings?”

They responded: “6-7, even 8.”

I asked: “Do you block any time for strategic thinking or even space to regroup?”

They said: “Yes, and often they get taken over with emergency meetings; I end up doing strategy stuff really late at night, or not at all.”

I said: “What would it take to block an hour a day and stick to it? Preferably in the late morning, when you’re more fresh thinking?”

They smiled: “Haha, not going to happen.”

I said: “Ok, what’s better? How do you want to chunk it out?”

They said: “Let’s say 30 minutes 1130-12, M, W, F.”

I asked: “How do you want use that time this first month?”

They said: “Want to revamp how we work with the biz, to be at the table more of the time. Want to increase our ability to consult to them. Need to think it through.”

I said: “Got it. I am happy to look at the first draft. Then, how will you socialize? Who on your team, and who in the biz?”

They nodded: “Yes, I have two people in mind. Will reach out after the draft.”

I said: “Great! Now, let’s turn to the exercise component. Want to multitask in a good way?”

They said: “Sure, all ears.”

I continued: “Some of the execs I work with do “walk-and-talk” 1-1s with their directs OUTSIDE on the phone. Good exercise + good modeling for self-care.”

They said: “A couple of directs would welcome that, because they’re struggling with Zoom Doom, too. Makes sense.”

I said: “Great. how many will you start with per week?”

They said: “Two per week sounds doable.”

I added: “Sometimes you can combine these, and use the walking for thinking time, and the strategy time as 1-1 collaboration time. Kinda mix and match.” 😊

They smiled: “Got it. This just seem so simple.”

I nodded: “Yes, very; in theory. In practice, not so much. The same discipline you use to work hard is the same discipline you need to “let up on the gas” and take time to think and exercise. And please ask your admin to protect your time.”

They nodded: “Excited to try these and to feel less stressed!”

How do you sneak in strategic thinking time and exercise?


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