Every month, Founder/CEO Sue Bethanis speaks to thought leaders
in leadership, tech, design thinking and human resources. Join us for
inspiring conversation and practical insights.

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Summary & Highlights Sue Bethanis hosts Emily Field, co-author of Power to the Middle: Why Managers Hold the Keys to

Summary & Highlights Sue Bethanis hosts best-selling author and workplace mental health expert Morra Aarons-Mele. Morra’s latest book was born

Summary & Highlights Sue Bethanis hosts leading efficiency expert Nick Sonnenberg. Nick is an entrepreneur, Inc. columnist, guest lecturer at

EP 74


Summary & Highlights Sue Bethanis hosts award-winning researcher Paulo Savaget. Paulo’s research on workarounds provides an insightful view on developing

Summary & Highlights Sue Bethanis hosts master somatic leadership coach, trauma psychologist, and mindfulness instructor, Chris Johnson. Chris describes the

EP 72


Summary & Highlights Sue Bethanis hosts Joel Garfinkle, Master Certified Coach (MCC) and Founder of Garfinkle Executive Coaching. Executive presence

Summary & Highlights Sue Bethanis hosts Gustavo Razzetti, a workplace culture expert and the CEO/Founder of Fearless Culture, a culture

EP 70


Summary & Highlights Sue Bethanis hosts Daphne E. Jones, a successful former CIO who beat many odds to reinvent her

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Mariposa Executive Coaching client describes the impact of his having his coach challenge his thinking.