Every month, Founder/CEO Sue Bethanis speaks to thought leaders
in leadership, tech, design thinking and human resources. Join us for
inspiring conversation and practical insights.

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Summary & Highlights Sue Bethanis hosts Christina Maslach, Distinguished Professor of Psychology and the pioneer of research on job burnout.

Summary & Highlights In this episode of WiseTalk, CEO and Executive Leadership Coach Sue Bethanis hosts Marianne Lewis, co-author

Summary + Highlights Sue Bethanis hosts Justin Zorn and Leigh Marz, co-founders of Astrea Strategies and co-authors of the new

Summary + Highlights Sue Bethanis hosts Sarah Noll Wilson, executive coach, leadership development consultant, and bestselling author of Don’t Feed

Summary + Highlights Sue Bethanis hosts DDS Dobson-Smith, CEO and Founder of the executive coaching consultancy, Soul Trained, and a

Summary + Highlights Sue Bethanis hosts Dr. Britt Andreatta, an internationally recognized thought leader who uses her unique background in

EP 63


Summary + Highlights Sue Bethanis hosts Susan MacKenty Brady, co-author of the new book Arrive and Thrive: 7 Impactful Practices

EP 62


Summary + Highlights Sue Bethanis hosts connection enthusiast and author, Ryan Jenkins. His new book is Connectable: How Leaders Can

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